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Friday, January 16, 2009

High-capacity Data Transport Facilities

Information Superhighway, term popularly used to refer to the availability and use of advanced information services by means of a variety of high-capacity data transport facilities, especially computers and computer networks.

The term was coined to convey an image of a national infrastructure that would provide abundant information at high capacities to the general public. It was made popular by United States Vice President Albert Gore to emphasize the importance of such an infrastructure.

The concept of an information superhighway remains abstract and has been superseded somewhat by the concept of a national, or global, information infrastructure, which is less focused on the notion of just a single, publicly owned means of information transport.

In practice, the computer network known as the Internet best exemplifies all these concepts. However, developments within the telecommunications industry, such as interactive television, may also promote an information superhighway in the future.

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